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What I'm Drinking on NYE

This is what I'll be drinking for New Year's Eve and to be clear this isn't a recommendation of what you should be drinking but literally but I bought to drink with my friends this weekend.

I went with a two pronged approach, bringing both fresh hoppy beers and some full flavored stouts. I have one buddy coming up who routinely gets me Heady Topper along with many other harder to find New England IPAs. And another who is big into stouts so I snagged a wide range of stouts to scratch that itch.

I reserved quite a bit of Green Diamonds from my recent trip to Other Half, it's a piney and bitter DIPA but also very drinkable for such a high ABV beer. I also did a quick trade to get some All Green Everything which is OH's most sought after beer, which I personally don't think it's their best but it's still damn good. I also had a few straggling pints of Super Fun, which definitely drinks more like a session IPA than a modern APA but good nonetheless. It's good enough that I actually traded a pint of it to get the last Oscillation 002 from Finback that was sitting on the shelves at my local bottle shop. I enjoyed the 001 and I've that this version which is a single hopped with citra is also supposed to be very good.

As for the dark stuff I snagged a few things I have never tried before including Dinosmores from Off Color Brewing and Noir from Ninkasi. I've heard mixed things about Dinosmores but wanted to give it a whirl regardless and I trust Ninkasi enough that I figured I'd try this beer blind. I also brought some Void of Light from Gunn Hill Brewing in Bronx which I finally tried this last week and loved it. Higher carbonation compared to most stouts but it drinks like a much bigger beer.

I also made an unexpected stop into Chatham Brewing before going food shopping and picked up a few things because you can't go wrong drinking local. Their porter is, and always has been my favorite beer they make. I also snagged a bomber of the imperial version of the porter. The hoppy beers they make have been getting better and better so I also got a 6 pack of the Slip Switch IPA.

I'm expecting my friends to bring a few special things as the weekend continues so I'll be sure to update if any White Whales make an appearance. Enjoy the your New Year's plans and I hope you're drinking something special.

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