Over the past few months I started posting more and more pictures of food paired with beer on my Instagram account. They're usually specific dishes or destination worthy restaurants in New York City that are worth your time visiting and I make sure the picture are social-media worthy before they go up. Part of them being deemed worthy for Instagram also means that these are almost always indulgent meals that weigh in heavy on the calorie counts. I enjoy a big heavy meal as much if not more than others, especially after a long run or a tough wee at the gym, it's not that way I eat day in and day out.
A few months after I took the plunge into the beer world full time I decided to make a major change to my diet and it was something that I swore I would never do. I started to eat less and less grain products, with the exception of drinking beer, to the point where now I'm only eating breads one or two times a week. This was especially weird for an Italian-American kid who can still easily eat 3/4 of a pound of pasta without blinking an eye. I don't want to call the diet paleo because it's not that strict but I use that as my guidelines as I plan out my meals for each day and week.
I want to post pictures of good looking food and not the "pancakes" I make using just bananas and eggs but I feel obligated to be transparent and show that I'm not just eating burgers, pizza and ramen all while drinking gallons of heavy beers each week. I'm going to pick a week this month where I will document my diet and exercise to show what my calorie intake is really like. It will be boring but I think it's fair to show you what's really going behind the scenes for both my diet and exercise regiment.